The Last Battle
Hestlin drew in a deep breath and slowly exhaled. His masterpiece, that drew on both dark and light mixing the tenets of the value of life learned from Fo with the destruction of Libila, was ready. His fellow warriors were ready. The Magranon priests would be able to keep the dark wizard Azohra trapped in the cave and her warriors out. He knew it would work, but he also knew the cost. It was fitting in a way. Azohra, who opened the path for the darkness was from Vrystoria, and it was the life force of Vrystoria that would close that path. First he had to defeat Azohra. He tried not to think about the unknowns, and he especially tried not to think about what would happen to Vrystoria if the duel took too long. He slowly stood and strode into the cave. Sleep was crucial. He would need his full strength for the battle tomorrow.
Hestlin woke early and found a quiet place to sit facing east to watch part of the sunrise while he waited for the priests of Fo. One by one they all arrived at the meeting location, and when the last one arrived Hestlin spoke.
“Today is the day we end the war. The part you will play is one of the most critical. Other worlds who have attempted to defeat Azohra have been defeated when the reinforcements arrived. The barrier we create now must hold. We all know the risks, but the life force of Vrystoria is the only power strong enough to hold the barrier. You must ensure that it holds.”
Together they cast the spell creating a barrier that would allow no dark powers through. Hestlin said a somber goodbye to the priests of Fo and made his way to the cave prepared for the battle with Azohra. He could not fail. He knew this, but what would be the cost of this battle? If the life force of Vrystoria was completely consumed, the whole world would be destroyed along with everyone in it.
Before entering the cave, Hestlin ensured the priests of Magranon were in place. He trusted that the armies led by his commanders and the priests of Vynora were ready. The population of Vrystoria could not freeze in fear or panic. The armies would provide them with protection and a sense of security. The priests of Vynora would help the people remain calm. They had been sent in the last few days to many of the key places in the world.
They walked to the cave together Hestlin’s hand resting in Brell’s fur. Their deep bond making words unnecessary. Brell knew Hestlin would try to send him away. Hestlin knew Brell would not leave. As they entered the cave they turned to each other to strengthen their resolve. They both knew the outcome was unavoidable. A surreal heaviness grew around them as they waited for the appointed time to come.
After one last check of the cave and his weapons, Hestlin began the summoning spell to bring Azohra to him. Upon finishing he immediately raised his shields, both armor and magic, prepared for her wrath. She arrived in a storm, and upon finding herself trapped in the cave, her fury was fierce. Once again Hestlin turned to deceit. He dodged, and shielded, parried and ducked. All the while, watching and waiting. Azohra’s fury grew more fierce each time she tried to escape the cave. After some time the ground beneath them began to tremble. Knowing he was running out of time, Hestlin watched carefully. Brell, sensing the urgency barreled in to attack Azohra and then dodged away. She turned her attention to Brell and attacked with a fire bolt that consumed the bear. With her attention turned away from Hestlin, a single unguarded second provided the opportunity and he plunged his great sword into her heart. He activated the enchantment that was his masterpiece, pouring in his own blood, and twisted his blade. Enhanced by grief, the power from Hestlin’s life force was enough to break through Azohra’s magic protections as they stood face to face. For a few long moments the struggle continued and just as the enchantment drained the last of Hestlin’s life force they both fell to the ground.
Hestlin awoke, expecting to find himself in one of the hell dimensions. Instead he found himself in Valrei. There he learned that Vrystoria had been consumed and left a barren world, but the barrier he had forged with the help of the Fo priests remained. The light gods had a proposal. They would allow him to keep the powers he had accumulated and would help him restore Vrystoria. In exchange he would maintain the barrier, and Vrystoria would protect and shield both people and items of great power or importance to the side of light. Hestlin agreed.
Although the light gods asked many many times, Hestlin never shared his secret. The masterpiece of his life was both a great victory and a great sorrow to him. He vowed that he would never again journey that far into darkness.