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During the third Era of Vrystoria there was a Kingdom named Arryatlee. Guilds formed and shaped the economy, and trade flourished. In their search for knowledge and their desire to build Vrystoria, the priests bridged the worlds, allowing for communication, travel, and trade across all the known worlds. They hoped for all worlds to prosper.


Azohra a wizard with a thirst for power discovered a key to the heavens. She made a pact with Libila who altered the key, and created a portal to the hell dimensions. With the balance of Vrystoria shifted towards darkness, the dark gods whispered greed into the heart of man which spread across the worlds, birthing unimaginable fear as humanity’s thirst for power grew.


The Arcanum Tower was constructed to prison the wicked, and school the Vrystorian priests. As the darkness spread, the Head Priest decreed that once a year the most vile of the prisoners would be executed as examples to all who might do wrong in the eyes of the law.


Azohra sought to stop the Arcanum but found the light power protecting it rivaled her own, and she could not enter. Fearing the priest she braved the slums and placed a bounty on him at the Assassins guild. The bounty was quickly fulfilled and the priests, like the prisoners they'd killed before them, were slain, tipping the scales of dark and light.


Awakened by the Azohra, the spirits of the dead broke the barrier of darkness, and from beyond, the dark gods brought forth an unseen great power. The powers of darkness spawned an army of fiends that fought against all mankind. At the epicenter of annihilation, Arryatlee quickly fell a trophy to the dark powers.


The light gods, seeking to protect men, fought the darkness. The battles were costly. Entire worlds were destroyed as man turned one against another. As the light was pushed out, the hope of man began to fade. Until Hestlin. A child of Vrystoria. Known for a keen mind and an insatiable curiosity.


At sixteen, after surviving a battle where many of his fellow warriors fell, he began to train as a warrior. Realizing that strength of blade alone would not defeat the darkness, he began to study the powers of the of the gods, nature, and men. He learned from Vynora the power of knowledge, from Fo the value of all life – human, creature, and plant, from Magranon the secrets of domination, and from Libila the destructive powers of darkness.


After more than 30 years of study, he formed a plan. Armed with everything he had learned he was able to create a new, unexpected and very powerful spell. With an attitude of selflessness, he faced Azohra, placing himself between her and the worlds of men. His act of fearless sacrifice cost his life, but it weakened the dark powers and forged a barrier protecting Vrystoria from dark powers.


The dark powers faded back to where they came from to regroup. Light emerged victorious. As thanks to Hestlin, the light gods intercepted his soul and offered him his one wish. They pooled the powers of light, and although it had been destroyed in the wars, they restored Vrystoria and reinforced the shield created by Hestlin.


During it’s rebirth, Vrystoria lost all traces of history and human habitation. In their haste the gods focused on removing all dark powers and creating protections and forgot the dangers of a raw land filled with savage creatures. Those who choose to live in Vrystoria find that the terrain is rough and the creatures have overrun it.


Protected by the four light gods, Hestlin, Vynora, Fo, and Magranon, Vrystoria became a refuge for mankind. A place where those seeking harmony can work together. A place to build a new history, a better history and a brighter future. The gods watch the worlds and when they find those possessing unusual strength, determination and selflessness they offer to send them to Vrystoria.


What will come of the fate of Vrystoria? Will the shield hold? Can it remain good and pure?

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